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بدأ شهرتة عام ٢٠٠٩ في أشهر برنامج تلفزيوني لإكتشاف المواهب “ستار أكاديمي” ويعتبر ثاني كويتي يصل للنهائي وانطلق بعدها بأول أغانيه الناجحة “مخاصمها” لتصل شهرتها للعالم العربي وكانت شهرة الأغنية كافية لإختياره كأوّل فنان يعتلي مسرح مهرجان “هلا فبراير” بأغنية سنقل واحدة فقط 

أكمل بعدها نجاح أغانيه ليغنّي للمرة الثانية في مهرجان هلا فبراير بوصلة غنائية خاصة بكل أغانية 

يعتبر أول فنان كويتي شاب يغني في مركز جابر الثقافي ” دار الأوبرا ” وهو شخصية محبوبة يشهد الجميع له بالأخلاق العالية ودائماً موجود في فعاليات ذوي الإحتياجات الخاصة مما جعلة الفنان الذي يحمل رسالة ” الأخلاق تصنع منك الإنسان الذي يحبه الجميع “ 

فنان عصامي استطاع إثبات قوته وحضوره بين الفنانين الكبار والشباب بإنتاجه الخاص وليس مع أي شركة إنتاجية 

خير من يمثل الفنان والشاب الكويتي داخل وخارج الكويت واضعاً تربية والديه والكويت نصب عينيه ليثبت للجميع أنه الفنان الشاب الكويتي الخلوق الطموح 

يريد الوصول للعالمية ليحدث فرقاً ويوّصل رسالة التسامح بين الشعوب والأديان طامحاً بأن يكون قدوةً للصغار والكبار والشباب من جيله

His fame started in 2009 through one of the most famous tv programs that discover people’s talents. It was named “ Star Academy “. 

 He reached the finals which made him the second Kuwaiti artist who can reach such a high rank in the program. 

He started his successful career by releasing his first song ‘ mukhasimha ‘. 

It hit high records and spread through the Middle East which was enough to choose Ibrahim to be the first singer who takes the stage of the ” Hala February ” festival with only one single song, Then he completed the success of his songs to sing for the second time at the “Hala February” festival using all his songs.

Ibrahim Dashti is considered as first Kuwaiti young man who sings in Jaber Cultural Centre ” the opera house ” and he is a very lovable person with high morals which made people love him even more.

He is best known for attending all the “special needs children” events. 

His message to people is ” your good morals make you the person who everyone adores “

He was a self-made artist who was able to prove his strength and his presence between the great artists and young ones with his own production, he never dealt with any production companies.

He is The best representative of the Kuwaiti-artist inside and outside Kuwait following what his parents taught him to prove to everyone that he is the great ambitious young man with the best morals. 

Ibrahim plans to make a difference and to be a global singer who wishes to spread the message of tolerance between all the peoples and religions hoping to be a good role model for all ages and especially for the young men of his generation.